
undefined Ivijan Svržnjak
Surname Svržnjak
First name Ivijan
Pseudonym -
생년월일 02.08.2001
Age-group 2001
Size 180
Nationality Croatia
Position 공격수
Club NK Zrinski Osjecko 1664
A-National player no
홈페이지 -
조회수 1783
Ivijan Svržnjak

속도 선수:

13 ratings ø 0
News to Ivijan Svržnjak
16.09.2017 Transfer-Ticker 16.09.2017

 Juli 2017: Ivijan Svrznjak spielt für die U 15 Koatien's (Croatia national under 15 football team).

April 2016: Ivijn Svrznjak steht in der U 16 Kroatien's (Croatia national under 16 football team).

Juli 2017: Ivijan Svrznjak ist U-17 Nationalspieler für Kroatien.

Dezember 2018: Ivijan Svrznajk spielt für die U 18 Kroatien's (Croatia national under 18 football team).

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